Free Holistic Self-Care Classes
Sponsored by The Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community
Held at Marbletown Community Center | 1st Thursday Monthly | 7-8:30pm
Within the Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community, healthcare takes body, mind, emotions, and spirit into account. As health issues are addressed, individuals play an active and responsible role in the healing process. To help community members learn how to help themselves, we offer a series of monthly classes in holistic self-care. Your body knows how to heal itself when given the proper support. Come and learn a variety of methods to support your own well-being. See
Join us Thursday, March 2nd for
Gut Health and Managing the Toxic Load with Sigrid D’Aleo
In our high stress modern life where many demands are put on us, we find more and more people are suffering from anxiety, depression, weight issues, eating disorders, leaky gut, auto immune diseases, sleep disorders, etc. Much of the new research points out how the microbiome contributes to health and disease. We will explore the digestive system and its function. We will discover how the ancient, gentle, comfortable and effective therapy of colon cleansing along with nutritional support and relaxation can create overall health.
Sigrid D’Aleo worked for many years as a Waldorf Early Childhood teacher in Saratoga Springs. She co-founded a Forestkindergarten. Her own healing journey led her to be trained as a Colon Hydro Therapist. Sigrid lives in Stone Ridge where she practices Yamuna Healing Arts: Home of Mindful Practices. She is a certified Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapist and a graduate of the International School for Colon Hydro Therapy in Florida.