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I-Ching with Timothy Liu

Free Holistic Self-Care Classes

Sponsored by The Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community

Held at Marbletown Community Center | 1st Thursday Monthly | 7-8:30pm

Within the Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community, healthcare takes body, mind, emotions, and spirit into account. As health issues are addressed, individuals play an active and responsible role in the healing process. To help community members learn how to help themselves, we offer a series of monthly classes in holistic self-care. Your body knows how to heal itself when given the proper support. Come and learn a variety of methods to support your own well-being.

Join us Thursday, October 5th

I-Ching with Timothy Liu

The I-Ching is an oracle dating back 5000 years to the advent of writing in China. Farmers consulted it to make decisions about things such as planting corn or beans, marrying this person or divorcing that one. Today people consult the I-Ching on questions related to love/work/health, especially when one faces an important decision. Through its 64 hexagrams, one cycles through all of the seasons, balancing yin and yang energies to make a harmonious whole, to trust in the Way.

In this class, we will learn about the basic trigrams that make up the hexagrams as well as learn how to throw the coins and read the divinatory lines for guidance in our lives.

Timothy Liu gives tarot and I-Ching readings at Mirabai in Woodstock and the Omega Institute in Rhinebeck. He is the author of ten books of poems. Timothy lives in Bearsville and Manhattan. www.timothyliu.net