Free Holistic Self-Care Classes
Sponsored by The Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community
Held at Marbletown Community Center | 1st Thursday Monthly | 7-8:30pm
Within the Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community, healthcare takes body, mind, emotions, and spirit into account. As health issues are addressed, individuals play an active and responsible role in the healing process. To help community members learn how to help themselves, we offer a series of monthly classes in holistic self-care. Your body knows how to heal itself when given the proper support. Come and learn a variety of methods to support your own well-being.
Join us Thursday, June 7th for
Inner Balance: Building Self-Worth through Inner Validation
with Priya Rajaratnam
In this class, Priya will share with you how she changed her life experiences from tolerating each day (surviving), to being grateful for another day to Do and Be what feels in alignment with her authentic expression (thriving). She began to identify the narratives she was born into, and realized that the Life she had been living was not her own.
Priya has developed a creative, personalized program that can allow you to deeply listen to yourself, build trust within yourself, and to discover yourself in each present moment. Priya will help you explore your own true pace so you can avoid being led by influences outside yourself rather than inside. Please bring the parts of you that you haven’t had the time, money, energy, discipline to explore. If you’re unsure about these parts of you, this class is a great starting point.
Priya is a former Hollywood actress who walked away from show Biz just as her career was starting to peak. Priya lives in Toronto and came to the Hudson valley a year ago. She has a BFA in Theatre from the Contemporary Arts program at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, Canada. She completed two years at Canada’s National Voice intensive Program and eleven years of Bharatanatyam Dance Training.