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Mindfulness and Compassion

Free Holistic Self-Care Classes

Sponsored by The Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community

Held at Marbletown Community Center | 1st Thursday Monthly | 7-8:30pm

Within the Rondout Valley Holistic Health Community, healthcare takes body, mind, emotions, and spirit into account. As health issues are addressed, individuals play an active and responsible role in the healing process. To help community members learn how to help themselves, we offer a series of monthly classes in holistic self-care. Your body knows how to heal itself when given the proper support. Come and learn a variety of methods to support your own well-being.

Join us Thursday, September 7th

Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help,
Mindfulness and Compassion

Through Jin Shin Jyutsu, Mindfulness and Compassion our awareness is awakened to the fact that we are endowed with the ability to harmonize and balance ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. After a short presentation we will practice simple but powerful exercises to harmonize Mental Stress, Emotional and Physical Stress. Know where to place your hands in the 26 Safety Energy Locks, Energy Pathways. My wish is that Jin Shin Jyutsu Self Help will become an integral part of everyone’s health care! You will take home a great gift to your loved ones.

Mercedes Cecilia is certified in Traditional Naturopathic Medicine and also a Shin Jyutsu® practitioner. Mercedes lives in Woodstock, NY and gives workshops and seminars in Healing and Creativity. See www.jinshinjyutsu-mercedes.com