Cristina Bornstein, EEM-CP, Reiki Master, Author, Visualization, Meditation and Self-Care Guide.
Cristina has worked in the field of energy healing for over 20 years. Her main modality is Eden Energy Medicine (The Eden Method) but also includes techniques from her shamanic studies and her own intuitive experiences with earth and universal energies.
Energy Medicine is an amazing complementary care support system and an empowering self-care tool. Using different modalities Cristina gently empowers you to tap into your inner wisdom and power to facilitate a deeper sense of health, happiness, and emotional balance to help you live radiantly. Each session is customized for your energy and Cristina “follows the energy” as Donna Eden would say, which allows your energy to guide the session creating a scared and safe healing space. Cristina is lovingly dedicated to helping you transform old wounds, and any energetic blockage, into an opportunity to let go of what does not serve you so that you can fully walk in your power and blossom into your ideal self. Cristina shares helpful self-care tools to support you long after your session.
Cristina specializes in Chakra Transformations, Stress Management, Soul Retrievals and Self-Care Empowerment. She offers in person and skype sessions.
Notable Mentions
- Published Author, Tony&Tina Color Energy, How Color Can Transform your Life
- Founder of Cristina’s Energy Center and Tony&Tina Vibrational Remedies.
- Meditation and visualization guide. A lifelong study with various teachers led Cristina to her own free-form style.
- Shamanistic studies, with NYT Best Selling Author John Perkins, include expeditions to the Ecuadorian rainforest, Guatemala, and Colombia to learn and live with indigenous tribes.
- Tibetan study and initiations with Garchen Rimpoche and Kamtral Rimpoche.
- Workshops with Shakti Gawain, Ram Dass and Carolyn Myss; Donna Eden, David Feinstein, Jean Houston, Shanti and Richard Duree.
- Workshop leader on the power of colortherapy, positive thought and self-care at the Learning Annex, HBA, MTV, NYU, Bodhi Tree Bookstore, Barnes&Noble, Nylon Magazine, Mind, Body, Green Digital Media Magazine, Corcoran Reality and at many Tony&Tina-related events around the globe.
- Cristina received the coveted Fun, Fearless Female award from Cosmopolitan Magazine 1998. Also featured in numerous fashion and lifestyle publications such as New York Times Magazine, Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle, US and UK InStyle and has been featured on television outlets including CNN, E! (X2), and NY1, and numerous other local and international media forums. Recognized as an industry leader, Cristina was invited to be a panelist at the WWD CEO summit (X2) and a guest speaker at HBA Global Expo and New York University’s Stern School of Business.