Diana Seiler is a social permaculturist, massage therapist and Thai massage and yoga instructor, artist, health coach, and the Director of Soil to Soul through the Holistic Health Community; bringing free/donation-based Earth connection opportunities to the public as a form of healing.
She delights in witnessing the awe and wonder sparked in these educational workshops, farm tours, and hands-on experiences led by local educators, farmers, herbalists, food-as-medicine practitioners and naturalists.
Diana has worked at the Omega Institute for over 20 years where community and conversations inspire expanded thinking and bold action that unites and heals.
Diana has been a volunteer practitioner offering Thai Massage and mindfulness practices through the Holistic Health Community since 2013. In November of 2019 she joined the Governing Council where she offered her services for 2.5 years as a board member. In the spring of 2022 she launched the Soil to Soul programs, forming many new relationships throughout Kingston and the Hudson Valley focused on Earth Connection, and exposing the many holistic health opportunities available to all through the Holistic Health Community.
Learn more about Diana here: HudsonValleyThaiMassage.com
Contact Diana: SoilToSoul@ HolisticHealthCommunity.org