Larry Brown has been a self employed professional builder in the Hudson Valley for over 40 years.
In the early 1980’s he was a Site Supervisor for an innovative building / training program at SUNY New Paltz, designed for students, at risk clients and those seeking to learn skills to merge into the workforce. Many participants later became trades people and contractors in the local community.
In the mid 1980’s he studied extensively at Solar Energy International in Colorado and became a trainer for their remote course, Design and Installation of Renewable Energy Systems. For 10 years, students from across the country and around the world came for week long programs in energy efficiency, conservation and the design and installation of solar electric systems. Many local solar companies received their early training in these programs.
In the mid 1990’s he designed and built an off grid house, one of the first in the Hudson Valley, using passive solar design, solar thermal (hot water), photovoltaics (solar electricity) and local, non toxic building materials. This house was a showcase for the integration of high quality craftsmanship and renewal energy technologies. This house was on the Real Goods Tour of Solar Homes for several years where people could learn new approaches to using locally based sources of energy and sustainable building practices. Over 1000 people visited this house and several school programs brought their classes to learn and sample Solar Smooties made with a solar powered blender. It was featured in numerous newspaper articles and radio interviews including NPR.
Larry continues his custom building business while also installing solar electric systems on and off the grid for clients in the Hudson Valley. His business, Sun Mountain, has built small cabins, shops and studios for artists, craftsmen and women --temples and in his words. Larry has been offered the opportunity to create his clients “Dreams” and bring them into Reality.
He has been a speaker and presenter at the North East Natural Building Conference and at many Local community Town Hall meetings to educate and inform the community about opportunities and funding available for installing solar electric systems at their homes.
He also installed one of the first NSERDA funded solar arrays on the Woodstock Town Court in collaboration with several other Trainers and Solar Practitioners.
Larry has studied Matrix Energetics, One Light Healing Touch, Reconnective Healing, Dowsing, the Akashic Records and BioGeometry.
He has been the Project Director for the Holisitc Health Community for the past two years