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Shulamit Elson

Shulamit Elson is the creator of MediSounds® Meditation, and the Director of MediSounds LLC, as well as the founder of The Great Octave Foundation.

Shulamit has taught MediSounds Meditation and vocal sound-based mindfulness practices worldwide, in places as diverse as Esalen and Omega Institutes, Tibet House in NYC, meditation workshops in Andalusia, Spain and Oxford, England, and the Sri Auribindo Auroville community in India.

Shulamit works in private sessions and accepts long term students from all walks of life who are seeking personal growth and spiritual development, as well as those confronting challenging life situations.

Under the auspices of The Great Octave Foundation, her activities have included work with Palestinian and Israeli school children in the Holy Land, HIV positive men and women in Mexico City, and returning Iraq war veterans.

In 2001 Shulamit was honored to give the keynote address in Washington, DC to introduce US Congressional Bill H. R. 808 to create a Cabinet Level Department of Peace.

She has developed MediSounds iPhone apps to promote sound sleep (MediSounds for Sleep)  and enable a refreshing nap (Snap Nap). 

Shulamit was also engaged in a project with Casey Health Institute, a world recognized medical complementary care facility located in Gaithersburg, MD. 

Prior to creating MediSounds Meditation, Shulamit had a 20-year career in business consulting and investment banking. Her positions included Manager of Training and Development at Sandoz Inc. and Director of Organizational Communications at the public relations firm Hill & Knowlton. As President of her own independent consulting firm, Shulamit advised on issues of communication and organizational development at such corporations as Ford Motor Company, United States Lines, Nabisco Brands, and Irving Trust.  

Shulamit is the author of the highly acclaimed book, Kabbalah of Prayer ~Sacred Sounds and the Soul’s Journey, and the creator of the newly-released CD MediSounds ~ The Path to Wholeness; as well as Beyond Words ~ Sacred Sounds of the Tree of Life; as well as Vibration ~ Shulamit and the Drepung Gomang Buddhist Monks.

“Shulamit Elson is one of the foremost practitioners of sound-voice therapy in the world today. Her talent is matched by an equally deep sense of compassion for her clients.”  Mitchell Gaynor MD, formerly Cornell University: Clinical Professor of Medicine Weill-Medical, and Director of Medical Oncology, Strang Cornell Cancer Prevention Center; Author: Sounds of Healing and Healing Essence





