Virginia Doran has been a practicing licensed acupuncturist since 1995 and licensed massage therapist since 1979. Ms. Doran has been a teacher and lecturer in the field of holistic health since 1980 on the subjects of massage therapy, acupuncture, Energy Medicine, aromatherapy, nutrition, vibrational remedies, Chinese and Western herbs, and supplements for various conditions. She regularly teaches advanced anti-aging acupuncture and other subjects internationally to acupuncturists, naturopaths, and medical doctors. Additionally, Ms. Doran has studied and practiced Shiatsu, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reflexology, Applied Kinesiology, Energy Medicine, Plant Spirit Medicine, Flower and Gem Essence Therapy, Aromatherapy, Western Herbology, Western and Eastern Nutrition, and Native American and Tibetan Bonpo Healing Ways. She has a general practice with a specialization in her own original protocol of Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture but also has extensive experience in treating tendino-muscular and pain conditions, dermatological and endocrine disorders (including gynecological), tick related illness, severe neuro muscular conditions, immunity, psycho-spiritual issues,