May 4, 2019, 6:00–8:30 pm
Marbletown Community Center
3564 Main St., Stone Ridge, NY

Series of Four Friday Workshops 3:00-5:30 pm
May 31, June 7, 14, 21
$195. Includes 4 sessions and materials
Email with your name, phone number and email address.
Send a check for $195, made payable to Ellen McKay and mail it to
PO Box 725
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
In these classes we explore ways to start a painting and develop it through various techniques which establish a dialogue with the Unconscious—ground of spontaneity, realm of authentic expression. In the intuitive practice of gesture and improvised mark-making, we invite happy “accidents”, the unexpected “error.” With pleasure as our guide, we draw upon emotion, sense memory, and observation. We leave intellect and preconceived ideas aside, we break old habits, gain new ground; the work deepens, takes on a life of its own. The emphasis is on transition and transformation, not finished product. It is a play between worlds, visible and invisible—physical, emotive and spiritual, whereby abstract images gain substance and depth. We work on large paper with tempera paint with brushes great big to small—and brushes that we make!
Group discussion follows each class. The classes are sequential, as each builds upon the previous one within a cycle of four 3 hour sessions. This workshop is perfect for beginners as well as for seasoned artists who wish to break new ground in their work. This is the foundation, a prerequisite for the Continuing Series of classes, Experiments In Spontaneity.
About Ellen McKay
A graduate of the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Ellen McKay continued her studies at Pratt Graphics Center, the School of Visual Arts, N. Y., and the New York Academy of Art. Her paintings have been shown in group shows in regional galleries including Emerge Gallery, Saugerties, NY, Mark Gruber, New Paltz, NY, Carrie Haddad, Hudson and many others. Teaching experience includes watercolor classes at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts, painting and drawing workshops in her studio and various other venues in upstate New York. After fourteen years of living in Argentina, she has now returned home to the Hudson River Valley. Ellen McKay’s art work is represented in private collections in the United States, Argentina and in Europe.