Jun 2, 2024, 4:00–6:00 pm
Free through Sacred Reciprocity
Clove Valley Community Farm
81 Clove Valley Rd, High Falls, NY 12440

A workshop on potting soil, seed-starting, greenhouses, and seedling care. Come to the greenhouses at Clove Valley Community Farm, directly following the final day of our yearly Plant Sale. Spend some time touring the greenhouses and nursery area, and engage in some hands-on activities. You’ll have the option of planting some seeds for you to take home, and buying some freshly discounted and donation plants for your garden after the sale.
Aileah Kvashay has been managing Clove Valley Community Farm for 15 years, and practicing and studying regenerative agriculture for 20 years. She weaves her passions for gardening, community-building, art, and teaching into her work at Clove Valley. She sells vegetables, herbs and flowers at the Woodstock Farm Festival every Wednesday from 3-7pm, on the farm Thursdays from 4-7pm, and offers a huge variety of seedlings at the Clove Valley Plant Sale every April and May. Her vision, along with her Clove Valley farm family, is to be a model of sustainability and community living. Together we strive to offer hope and healing and inspiration during these uncertain times.