Oct 3, 2019, 7:30–8:30 pm
Admission Free
Marbletown Community Center
3564 Main St., Stone Ridge, NY

The longing to create springs from the most tender, truthful place within us. Whether one yearns to birth a baby, a book, or a peaceful world, the process remains the same: conception, gestation, labor and finally birth. The Fertile Heart®OVUM practice offers a philosophy and toolkit for bringing forth your next creation.
Julia Indichova is the author of Inconceivable and The Fertile Female. Her work has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Discovery Health, NPR’s 51%, Good Morning America, and more. Julia's 9/11 Bowing Project is documented in One-Heart Revolution. Contact Julie by phone: 845-679-5469 Email: info@fertileheart.com