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Developing Intuitive Abilities Workshop with Lisa Denton

Oct 17, 2020, 3:00–6:00 pm


Online Workshop Via Zoom

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Developing Intuitive Abilities Workshop
with Lisa Denton
Saturday, October 17, 3:00 - 6:00 pm
Co sponsored by the Holistic Health Community and the Morty and Gloria Wolosoff Foundation
We are ALL intuitive. Connecting to your unique intuitive gifts is so much fun! In this singular three-hour session, we will get acquainted with a few precious basics.
First, we will explore our own unique capacities to perceive frequencies and vibrations through feeling, sensing, seeing and hearing. Next, we will discuss and practice kinesiology, working with our hands, fingers and dousing tools. Finally, time permitting, we will discuss and explore several key energy systems: Chakras, Auras and the Tree of Life. We will introduce techniques and exercises to practice and develop perceiving information from these systems. 
Lisa Denton (Intuitive, Interfaith Minister)
Lisa Denton is a clairvoyant working internationally both in the healing arts and on developing new technologies for human advancement and global harmony. She has worked privately as a spiritual counselor for over 25 years. She serves on the board of directors for Peter Roth’s Heart River Healing Center in New York City and has taught many classes pertaining to the development of intuitive abilities. She is a past president of the Lightfield Foundation and spent 12 years working alongside the late inventor, Marc Newkirk, contributing substantive design insights to numerous technological explorations and inventions. Lisa, in another period of her current life, enjoyed a career as an actor, dancer and radio personality in New York and Los Angeles. During this time of Covid, Lisa has been conducting weekly lectures and meditations for world healing and for personal wellness, all open to the public. For more info, contact: Lisawdenton@gmail.com.
Topic: HHC Intuitive Development Workshop with Lisa Denton
Time: Oct 17, 2020 02:45 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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