Apr 16, 2020, 7:00–9:00 pm
Online Self-Care Class via Zoom
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Hinduism teaches us that Life leads us into our destiny in one of two ways — Hari or Hara. Hari is the way Life gently whispers to us to move this way or that way. Hara is when Life rudely pushes us into our awakening.
We can look at these times as times of crisis, fear, and uncertainty. Or we can see the Hara in these circumstances, and rise to the occasion, identifying with the deepest parts of our knowing, releasing the anxiety-provoking thoughts generated by the world at large.
Join us, remotely, on Thursday, April 16 from 7–9 pm, to come together as the light beings that we are, in a guided group experience called Laya Yoga.
The Sanskrit word “Laya” means to dissolve, and it refers to transcending the ordinary world by dissolving limiting thought forms to quiet the mind, and in so doing, raising consciousness to a higher state of awareness of deeper love-based Truth. Laya Yoga focuses your attention and energy on your essence and your higher consciousness. Laya Yoga lets you absorb into bliss and the creativity of higher consciousness without the normal distractions and attachments to your reactive awareness. The practice of Laya Yoga increases your intuition and the power to heal.
The benefits to Laya Yoga include:
- Achieving greater control over your thought patterns
- Reprogramming your unconscious mind
- Shifting thought patterns to more positive patterns of thinking
- Establishing a profound connection with your Higher Self
- Improving your capacity for creative thought and problem solving
- Becoming more aware, more objective, and more detached from the world at large
JUDE SMITH is an Interfaith Minister, spiritual teacher, and energy healer, and she expresses herself in the world in many different ways. A teacher at heart, she sees the commonality of the world's spiritual and wisdom traditions, and her passion is to lead others to their fullest experience of self-expression, as she supports them in discovering their own spiritual paths, language, and understandings. Rev.JLSmith@gmail.com