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SELF CARE CLASS: Gentle Yoga for the Nervous System: A movement practice to befriend your body and restore a sense of safety and resilience in your tissues

Jun 26, 2024, 7:00–9:00 pm

Free through Sacred Reciprocity

Marbletown Community Center
3564 Main St., Stone Ridge, NY

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Gentle Yoga for the Nervous System combines breath, movement, and body-awareness practices to help you witness, understand, and regulate your nervous system. Trauma and chronic stress keep us stuck in the past and projecting into the future. In this class we explore deeply what it means to be here now. In this present moment we can listen to the wisdom of the nervous system which has its own way of interpreting information and healing. Moment by moment, we cultivate our capacity to be with ourselves and our various nervous system states so that we can ride the ups and downs of life with resilience, kindness and curiosity. 

Charlotte von Hemert is passionate about moving towards wellness and wholeness as individuals, so that we can move toward healing as a society and planet. She is a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, which is a body-based modality to heal trauma, restore inner balance and celebrate our innate goodness. She has also practiced yoga for over 20 years (vinyasa, hatha, yin and kundalini) and taught yoga for 9 of those years. She is no stranger to the grind as she trained to be a professional dancer, worked in production, and was dedicated to social justice work. Her offerings equally come from her training and education as they do her lived experience.