Oct 21, 2023, 10:00 am–2:00 pm
Free through Sacred Reciprocity
Black Creek Farm
149 Martin Ave, Highland, NY

It is fall and the rain has been abundant this year, resulting in a phenomenal crop of black walnuts.
Black walnuts are an incredible source of food rich in energy, nutrients and minerals. The reason this phenomenal gift goes largely ignored, or even disliked, is because of the "mess" it creates. The green husks turn yellow and brown and then into a bug-filled gloop littering the road and lawns. They stain pants and hands, rain down on cars and whatever else may be around.
Instead of fighting them, join us in collecting them and preparing them for food! We will most certainly get dirty, so bring your painting clothes and some bathroom cleaning gloves if you don't want to get it on your hands. We will use the most efficient small-scale method for removing the husk, cleaning them, and setting the nuts out to dry while talking all about how important nut trees are in the present and the future of food in our region.
If you can harvest some nuts to bring with you, we will clean them off and you can enjoy them over the winter!
Erik Schellenberg is a permaculture teacher and educator through the Cornell Cooperative Extension. He owns and runs Black Creek Farm and Nursery where he propagates and sells food and medicinal crops that are adapted to the northeast. Erik offers consulting services for resilient ecological design in which he applies his depth of real experience and passion for sustainable land care. Contact Erik at https://bcfnursery.com/ contact-us