Feb 24, 2022, 7:00–9:00 pm
Online Zoom Workshop

Telling Our Stories: The Healing Power of Story - Stories are global, can be found in every culture, and have the power to connect us all. Storytelling is one of the world’s oldest art forms and has been passed from one generation to the next. Each time a story passes from one person to the next, the story is remembered and kept alive.
In this lively, fun, participatory workshop, participants will reflect on their individual lives to identify, explore and share stories that are meaningful and have been passed down through our DNA, our memory, and/or by word of mouth. Personal storytelling will be the vehicle through which participants will craft and share personal and family stories for the purpose of healing and revering our ancestral lineage. Objects, photos, behavior patterns and memorable life moments are welcomed as tools to remember, structure, and share personal stories.
Our ancestors know us even if we don’t know, or have never met them. Whether we know our ancestors or not, or see ourselves as storytellers or not, all are welcome to participate in this workshop.
-Participants will explore the art of storytelling as a sacred practice.
-Participants will explore how storytelling can be used as a vehicle through which ancestors can be revered and ancestral lineage can be healed.
-Participants learn the importance of keeping the storytelling oral tradition alive.
-Participants will learn why storytelling has healing power.
-Participants will gain basic techniques of remembering and telling a story orally.
-Participants will increase their comfort level of speaking a story aloud in front of listeners.
-Participants learn how and why storytelling celebrates and honors diverse voices.
Criteria for participation:
-All levels of experience are welcome; people of any walk of life can benefit from learning listening to and telling stories: ministers, educators, therapists, social workers, grandparents, parents, sons, daughters, aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. No storytelling or story-crafting experience is required.
Facilitator - Abigail Ifatola Jefferson
Abigail is a spiritual wellness coach, ordained interspiritual & interfaith minister, and a teaching artist, whose programs blend story and dance keeping traditions alive. Audiences have described her as inspirational and spirit-filled!
Her presentations are interactive, educational, and fun-filled. She is certified in Kripalu Yoga, Yoga4cancer, Karma Kids Yoga, and Kemetic Yoga. A resident of Harlem and a founding member of the Rhode Island Black Storytellers, Abigail has released a beautifully illustrated children’s book titled Imani’s Heart: The Dancing Angel and her story "1968" is prominently featured in Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center's Visible Ink 2020 Anthology and performance https://youtu.be/u3asqPV4ZaE.
In addition to having served as a first-year dean for One Spirit Seminary, Abigail is also the owner and operator of Abby’s Attic Harlem, an online boutique, specializing in vintage and upcycled clothing.
Contact: IG @fatola77 @abbys.attic Facebook @Abigail Jefferson
Holistic Health Community is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Telling Our Stories with Abigail Ifatola Jefferson
Time: Feb 24, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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