Jan 20, 2022, 6:30–7:45 pm
Marbletown Community Center
3564 Main St., Stone Ridge, NY

The Holistic Health Community in collaboration with the Morty and Gloria Wolosoff Foundation presents The Feldenkrais Fundamentals with Drew Minter
A series of 6 IN-PERSON classes: January 20 and 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24
6:30 – 7:45 pm
Suggested donation is $15 per class, but all are welcome regardless of ability to contribute
Town guidelines require all participants to wear a mask whether or not they are vaccinated.
In this series of classes, Drew will present six Awareness Through Movement classes that Moshe Feldenkrais taught repeatedly, whether in his public or training classes. These classes engage our perceptions of thought, feeling, and sensation through the lens of movement. Dr. Feldenkrais returned to a basic vocabulary lessons as touchstones for enhancing our awareness and mobility throughout four decades as he developed the more than 1500 lessons on which the Feldenkrais Method is based. They have been further developed by practitioners in the four decades since his death. These life-enhancing basics can be accessed repeatedly for going deeper into Mindfulness through Movement. Students feel greater mobility in their pelvis, shoulders, neck, and find themselves standing taller and more open as they go about their daily lives.
The largest part of the lessons is taught on the floor. Students should wear comfortable, loose clothing in which they can move freely (sweat clothes are perfect), and will need their own blanket or floor mat and any bolsters or supports they might need to enhance their comfort when lying on the floor.
You are signing up for a 6-week commitment! We can only accept 24 attendees. Please register for this series only if you know for sure that you are able to attend all six classes.
Drew Minter is a certified Feldenkrais teacher and comes to Feldenkrais from a background in the arts and a diverse background of healing modalities. As an internationally known countertenor for four decades, Drew sang leading roles in the opera houses of Brussels, Toulouse, Boston, Washington, Santa Fe, BAM, Wolf Trap, Glimmerglass, Nice, Marseilles, and many others, performing with many of the world's foremost baroque orchestras, and making over 70 commercial recordings. Since becoming a senior music lecturer at Vassar College in 1999, he has taught workshops in the singing and acting of opera, incorporating Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, and integrating his work as a Feldenkrais teacher with the Viewpoints acting work. He is also trained in Polarity, Jin Shin Jyutsu, Reiki, Kahuna work and Body Electric.