Sep 12, 2022, 6:30–9:00 pm
The Kiva
3588 Main St
Stone Ridge, NY 12484
(behind MaMA)

God’s economy is one of love, and is demonstrated by the unlimited bounty of nature and the beauty that surrounds us. The Lord’s Generosity deeply touches those of pure heart. But many, unable to access this economy of abundance, are forced to become selfish and greedy in order to survive, and remain trapped in a system imposed on them.
Some however, have found the way to connect with God’s economy of benevolence, and they desire to liberate others to this life of freedom. But as Morpheus told Neo: “most in The Matrix are not ready to be unplugged, and will even fight to maintain their bondage.”
That bondage can be ended only by understanding the root cause of the problem, and the secret is provided in the oldest body of spiritual knowledge, the Vedas, where we learn that it is a spiritual disease forcing some to want to take, rather than give.
In this presentation, Spiritual Teacher and Social Healer Dhan Eshwara, will explain the root cause, as well as the motivating force and cure, of both selfish and generous behavior.
Though there is no charge for services, we encourage sacred reciprocity by making a donation, by offering volunteer service or by doing an act of loving kindness toward someone in need.