Dec 11, 2021, 11:00 am–5:00 pm
Willow Kiln Park / Municipal Parking Lot
behind the Rosendale Theatre, Main Street

Mark your calendars for our Holiday Maker's Market +
A Luminous Musical, Magical, Puppet-y Experience!
You Are Cordially Invited… as a maker/artisan or as a lover of handmade beauty!
We’re so excited to have you join us for our fourth MAKER'S MARKET and oh so much more! Together, we will enjoy a day of holiday shopping, community, great food (with Tilda’s Kitchen, Seasoned Gives and Rosendale’s delicious and diverse restaurants), hot cocoa, crafts, live music, a magical LANTERN WALK over the Rosendale Trestle Bridge with the extraordinary puppets from the Redwing Blackbird Theater, and more—all curated by the Circle Creative Collective’s team for a day of true fun and inspiration! Celebrate our local Hudson Valley artisans and their work- with new and old friends in a kind of old world village experience of open hearts and creativity.