Sep 14, 2024, 10:00 am–12:00 pm
Online Zoom Meeting

We are waking up! We are change-makers birthing a new Earth. We are being tapped on the shoulder, pulsed from our hearts, nudged in our dreams to ignite a new level of consciousness.
With this increased consciousness comes a reclamation of our telepathic abilities. This is not a gift but an innate skill everyone possesses. And in these changing times our ability to connect to other dimensions is more available than ever before.
Our Spiritual Councils and Angelic Teams are waiting for us to take a seat at the collective table.
In this introduction workshop we will understand who spirit guides are, why we have them and the ways in which they already connect with us. We will also explore one the of the first tools in learning how to consciously communicate with the Unseens.
With humility, vulnerability, strength, and love, we will once again become active in co-creating with Source and Gaia, light-grounding the New Earth.
Lindsay Iya McGowen has been working in the telepathic healing arts for over two decades. She works with multiple Councils of Enlightened Star Beings, Ascended Masters, and others, serving as their translator on the Earth plane. She loves teaching others to open their telepathic channels, as it is now an important step in humanity’s evolution. Lindsay also does personal readings. Her work is practical and grounded. The channeled information is clarifying, uplifting, and empowering. All issues, questions, dreams, and inquiries are welcome. It is her truest privilege to offer this service.