Dany Harfush: BS in Nursing, Master of Science in Acupuncture, Holistic Health and wellness Coach
With more than 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry and seven years’ experience in acupuncture, my patients experienced lasting relief from pain, increased vitality, healthier bodies, calmer minds and renewed spirits
I am skilled in client management, effective communication, offering consultancy services, and delivering patient care services. Moreover, my on-job experience as an RN /case manager and acupuncturist has afforded me well-rounded skills:
I empower clients to create and implement solutions to improve their health and wellness in order to age gracefully by, for example, providing personalized eating plans, fitness regimes, and stress reduction techniques. I take a holistic approach to wellness, addressing nutrition, exercise, stress management, sleep hygiene and spiritual health.
I am now offering virtual health and wellness coaching to support clients in achieving their health goals thru tailored guidance and accountability.
I use motivational interviewing:
resisting telling the client what to do
understanding the client’s cultural background /motivation/values/needs/abilities and
potential barriers to changing behaviors.
listening with empathy while seeking to understand their needs, abilities, motivations
empowering them and helping them to set achievable goals and to identify techniques to
overcome barriers.
I follow the GROW model of coaching consisting of 4 steps
G goal setting
R reality -- identifying obstacles that are holding them back
O options -- generating ideas that can contribute to the solutions
W work -- committing to specific actions in order to move towards the goal.