Matrix Energetics

Matrix Energetics is a brilliant new pathway to transformation. Developed by Dr. Richard Bartlett, and rooted in the laws of Quantum Physics, Matrix Energetics is not a healing technique per se; rather, it is a “Consciousness Technology” that helps us bypass our habitual limited perceptions and access what physicists call the Zero Point Field — the field of pure potential, the realm of all possibility. On the subatomic level everything in the Universe, including us humans, is composed of light and information. Your reality may appear fixed, but it is actually fluid, in a constant state of becoming. Matrix Energetics quickly drops us into that fluid state, connecting us to the grid of infinite potential energy. Then, by adding the creative power of intention, we can dismantle the energetic state that supports the problem or illness, and establish a new state that promotes a healthy change. Matrix Energetics can be applied to anything: physical illness, injuries, past traumas, emotional and psychological patterns, relationship issues, business concerns and much more. Whatever you wish to transform, Matrix Energetics can help you do it with speed and ease.
