Inner Relationship Focusing

What is Inner Relationship Focusing?
Inner Relationship Focusing is a unique process of self-awareness and emotional healing

Focusing starts with the familiar experience of sensing something about what is going on in your life.
For example, you might feel jittery in your stomach as you stand up to speak, or you feel tightness in your chest as you anticipate having a conversation with someone you don’t feel comfortable with, or you are on the verge of making a meaningful decision in your life. If you’re like most of us, you try to get rid of those uncomfortable feelings. What probably doesn’t occur to you, is to listen to the feeling and let it speak to you. When you let the feeling speak to you, you are allowing yourself to be open to the depth and richness of your wholeself. And when you listen to the feeling, it’s much more likely to relax, release, and let you go on with what you’re doing in a clear and centered way.
